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No New Posts Family Dens

These are the largest dens, that have the two mates, and cubs. They are all situated in the middle of all the burrows, so if the dens are under attack, the kits will be safe.

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No New Posts Mate Dens

This is where the dens who have more than one wolf, but no cubs go. Two mates, or friends sharing a den. The maximum that these dens can hold is three people, but it's more comfortable with just two.

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No New Posts Single Dens

These are the dens for wolves that sleep alone. They can only fit one person, and are situated on the very outside of the clearing.

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This is where the clans sleep. In the daytime, the werewolves stay in human form, but at night, they change into werewolf, so they are able to climb into the cozy underground burrows that they sleep in. Cubs, mother and the mate sleep together, or if no cubs, just the two mates. On occasion, two or three wolves without family may sleep together in the same den, but otherwise the wolf just sleeps alone. The dens are situated in a small dirt clearing, completely surrounded by bushes, and covered overtop to a point where almost all light is blocked out by a variety of thick-leaved trees.
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